The book fair will be November 1st through November 5th!
about 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
Good Hope Elementary had a great showing for “All Out Pink Day”. All GH schools together raised over $600 to donate to local patients in our area fighting cancer.
about 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
Good Hope Elementary will have "All Out Pink Day" tomorrow, October 15th. Dress up in all your pink gear to support breast cancer awareness. We are asking for a donation of $1.00 or more that will go to a local person fighting cancer.
about 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
Cullman County Schools will delay opening by 2 hours today due to flooding, Thursday 10/7/21. 12-month employees report at regular time.
over 3 years ago, CCBOE
Cullman County Schools will delay opening by 2 hours today due to flooding, Thursday 10/7/21. 12-month employees report at regular time.
over 3 years ago, CCBOE
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Nicole is always looking out to help others. She stopped and picked up trash that was on the ground on the way to PE. Thank you for being a great example to others, Nicole! She chose to have her picture taken with the lunchroom staff.
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Kaselyn pushed the chairs in for all of her classmates that left their chairs out as they were leaving class. She took time to not only push hers in, but she pushed theirs in as well. Kaselyn chose to have her picture with our principal, Mrs. Jenkins. She helps our teachers keep the classroom a clean and safe environment. We are proud of your leadership!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Emma always has such a positive attitude! She uses her manners and is respectful to others. She has a great attitude and is willing to lend a hand. Emma chose to have her picture made with Mrs. Haynes. Keep being awesome Emma!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 and... 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 Today is Trip's birthday and there is no better way to celebrate than receiving a positive behavior referral! Trip is always kind and respectful to his teachers and other students. His teacher also bragged that Trip always uses his manners! He chose to have his picture made with Mrs. Haynes. We are proud of you and your positive behavior!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Riley, Maci, and Addisyn stayed after break to pick up trash that had been left in the snack area. They did this without being asked, and are always setting good examples for other students. They all three wanted to get their picture made with their favorite resource officer, Officer Duke! Great job girls!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
3 girls
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Will saved his class from a yellowjacket that snuck into their classroom yesterday. He was after the pesky insect before the teacher realized it had even made its way inside. Will took care of the yellowjacket and was even stung on the hand, but he went right back to his classwork without hesitation. Will chose to have his picture with Mrs. Penn. He is always taking initiative and helping others and we are proud of Will for that!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Faith, Emma, and Briana are all great students at Good Hope Elementary. They follow the rules, actively listen, and are hard workers. The leadership and kindness they show daily makes us so proud of each one. They wanted their picture with our counselor Mrs. Bush, and 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Sweatmon. Please help us congratulate these three on positive behavior referrals!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Ella volunteered to help out a student carry their things for the day. The student she helped recently started using crutches and needed a little extra help. We love seeing our students care for each other. Ella chose to have her picture made with Mrs. Sweatmon. We are proud of you Ella!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
🚨 Positive Behavior Referral 🚨 Case stopped on the way to PE and picked up trash. We love seeing our students take care of the school and setting positive examples. He chose to have his picture made with Mr. Weaver and Mrs. Jenkins. We are proud of leaders like you Case!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
The 5th grade students had a great time at Liberty's Legacy on Friday! #InTheUSA
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
lady liberty
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lady liberty 4
Our Friday felt a little different as we paid respect to the events of September 11, 2001 throughout the school. We also had a lot of hats on campus for United Way hat day!
over 3 years ago, Holly Pond
red white blue
Good Hope Elementary School will re-open on Tuesday, September 7. Face Masks will be required while in the building. Masks should fit without slipping and should cover the nose and mouth. If a child has any symptoms of Covid or has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid, those students should not return to campus. We can’t wait to see everyone again!
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
re opening
Cullman County School campuses will be closed Tuesday 8/31/21 due to the threat of severe weather. Students and staff will work remotely.
over 3 years ago, CCBOE
Severe Weather August 31
The annual Title One Parent Meeting will be held Thursday, August 26. There are two chances to attend—11 am or 3 pm. The meetings will both be held at the outside break area.
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
Open House will be Monday, August 9th from 3 PM-6 PM! We look forward to seeing everyone there! #1tribe
over 3 years ago, Good Hope Elementary
Open House @ Good Hope Elementary